What is a day without light? Just a day, without light? Whether it’s bright sunny or foggy outside, it still is a day. We all wake up to a morning lit up with electricity in our rooms and have a day under the fancy bulbs and tube lights glowing towards the end of the day, and throughout the night. We work, walk, eat and sleep under the enormous artificial lightings, that sometimes we barely know the difference between day and night. On one hand, we are blessed with science. It has created a world where nights are brighter, and human activities are carried out endlessly. However, researches show that in modern cities humans spend about 90% of their times indoors under unnatural lights. Which means the biological need of the body to be exposed to daily cycles of light and dark is not fulfilled. The cycle of light and dark regulates the circadian system of the body and enhances our energy. So think about some of us whose curtains remain drawn all the time. Some of us b...