
Showing posts from March, 2020

COVID-19: A War Analogy

Disclaimer: This article is in no way to make any political stance, or conspiratorial grounds at this crucial time in the world history. This is purely a personal idea of an analogical reference of COVID-19 to war. Could I be under the influence of fictional stories of biological warfare? I could be. Should you be too? It is utterly up to you. (Cartoon Movement) We are at war. COVID-19 is hitting the world hard, if not just with pain, then definitely with enormous panic. Nations are scaling up their political commitment in response to the fright this virus has caused among the public. The public, is certainly under major pressure because after decades of being glued to all sorts of electronic screens, there is now a sudden urge to step out, travel and socialize, like never before! The transmission rate of CoV is dreadful and is without a doubt, a serious threat to the world. Over the months, we’ve witnessed major blows in the global economy especially through t...

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