

The Thing about Merit

There is no such thing as being self-made. I refuse to believe that human beings and anyone for that matter, have any natural capacity to be self-made. Michael Sandel’s “The Tyranny of Merit — What’s Become of the Common Good, ”- is a hard read but had quite an impact on my deeply rooted opinions on, life, basically. The thought of wanting to solve all these misconceptions plagues me to a point where I don’t even put an effort to think. At the risk of sounding like I’ve figured it all out after one book, I put together 2 things I’d like to believe I learned. 1. The irony about self-made people: The concept of ‘self-made’ or self-sufficiency had the heaviest impact on me. What a life-changing experience it was to learn that the more one considers oneself self-made, the harder it is to instill gratitude and humility. And this matters because it is rare to care about the common good without these sentiments. Most of us enjoy the pride we take in the independence we set for ourselves. The

How Do We Stay Optimistic?

We’re in the midst of an angry whirlwind the pandemic has produced but I’d like to think that we’re nearing the end of it. Or the beginning. Of something else. I wouldn’t possibly know. I probably sat on this article for too long, desperately trying to write and miserably failing at every attempt. But what crazy two years it has been for all of us. 2022 didn’t start off quite well for me and while we’re already into the second half of the year now, I guess I’m still trying to find my way out of things I wish I hadn’t started. Robert Frost, a long long time ago said that the only way out is through, and perhaps it’s true. So sometimes it feels like my whole life’s purpose is hanging by a random figurative thread strung by a poet, who quite possibly, despised how the world functioned. But I have to say, the year has been transformative and it has brought out some good stories that can only be told over a drink someday, — Cautiously though, because not all stories I tell over a drink hav

First Week into 2021

2020 has come to an end and yet, there is not a tat bit of relief in this sentence. What we’re bringing along in the new year is an unfinished battle, perhaps leading into a kind of war we’re yet to discover about. Excuse my blatant or rather, unprofessional reference to made-up analogies whenever I describe something. But if there’s one thing I’ve learnt, in all these years, is how life is composed of certain affairs that may not necessarily respect the schedules of a fiscal year or a five-year plan. The fact that we’re cautiously looking forward to 2021 as possibly a better year is something only determinable by our own actions. My point is, that our optimism is only justifiable by the might of our efforts. There’s luck too, but the ship of an evolved mankind relying on something as wavery as luck, I think, is lunacy. I believe that we’re much more capable in this far evolved era, to account for crises such as the pandemic in smart and measurable ways. We have probably spent 2020 c

COVID-19: A War Analogy

Disclaimer: This article is in no way to make any political stance, or conspiratorial grounds at this crucial time in the world history. This is purely a personal idea of an analogical reference of COVID-19 to war. Could I be under the influence of fictional stories of biological warfare? I could be. Should you be too? It is utterly up to you. (Cartoon Movement) We are at war. COVID-19 is hitting the world hard, if not just with pain, then definitely with enormous panic. Nations are scaling up their political commitment in response to the fright this virus has caused among the public. The public, is certainly under major pressure because after decades of being glued to all sorts of electronic screens, there is now a sudden urge to step out, travel and socialize, like never before! The transmission rate of CoV is dreadful and is without a doubt, a serious threat to the world. Over the months, we’ve witnessed major blows in the global economy especially through t

What is Time?

Just a picture taken two months ago A few years ago, I wrote this article about how confused and how many questions I had before going to college. I was going to start a completely new adventure in my life, travelling more than five hundred kilometers from home, in a sub-tropical climate only to challenge my body that has endured extreme cold but not heat. I was then eighteen, curious and firing with excitement, ready to bring myself out to the world with the teenage motivation. I’d have imagined my college in ten thousand ways and often hoping it not to be less than stairs that opened with passwords and cozy common rooms for study, or a library with deep secrets. I must’ve idealized my college too much but I couldn’t blame because even after reaching the college and seeing what it exactly looked like, or worked, I would secretly hope for something fascinating to happen, at some point. It’s been four years now, and this is my fifth year. And if you ask me, I’m still trying

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