
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Dream School

The cover page for Tshorwa the fourth When my friend Nono Jimmy told me that we can still send our articles for our school magazine, Tshorwa the fifth, I felt like I never graduated or left the school. It was like I was still wearing the school uniform drenched with sweat on a hot summer day in Punakha. There was a series of beautiful memories reeling in my mind and for once, it was like sitting back among the editorial board and reading the articles for Tshorwa’s fourth edition. Being a member of the school magazine’s editorial team was actually reading Punakha Higher Secondary School. Not only the students voice were we going through but there were always a lot of people who’d keenly express their feelings about the school. The most amazing thing was that everyone had some kind of story with the school and may be the kind of stories which they mark it as the most unforgettable ones. For me, getting admission in Punakha Higher Secondary School was a dream come true. I don’t...

Vegetarianism for Heroism

Eating meat is one of those things I do even after knowing its numerous demerits. I don’t know if it’s because of my undying love for chicken or the natural human greed for meat but I do admit that chicken is one delicious meal I can’t keep away from. Many people find it difficult to avoid eating meat especially that we consider meat as a main source of nutrition and moreover the kind of charm there is when we say that “It’s beef, or pork or chicken for dinner.” We-are-so-cruel. I often have a conflict within myself whether to be a pure vegetarian or just not think about those poor animals slain every now and then for a meal. I once saw a documentary movie on animals who were being slaughtered mercilessly for meat. They were stabbed and butchered like vegetables. Nothing could have saved them from the shiny butcher’s knife which swayed just above their lives. Nothing even if poor dumb animals like them knew their arriving death and shed tears from their eyes which blinked like a dying ...

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