
Showing posts from May, 2015


11.05.2015 How often do we fear of death? When we have become so old that we can barely walk? When somebody we know has passed way? Or, everyday? Everything was normal today. After many days of rain and clouds, today was a bright sunny day and everything seemed to be going well until this terrible news blew up everyone in our neighbourhood. A neighbour had passed away just a few minutes ago. She was a young pretty girl and this was, like any other death, least expected and least wanted. It was just yesterday that we saw her happily coming back from her work and didn’t even have the littlest trace of sickness or misfortune. And today everyone is mourning over her soulless body. I know this is normal. This happens every now and then to somebody we know and to somebody we don’t know. To some loved ones of ours and to some we don’t even know they exist. But it does come to everyone of us. Death, we sometimes get to witness it and hear about it and one day it’s going to happen to u...

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