Exam Days
I love exams. It’s when I can actually concentrate on things in a way it helps me manage my time, which often is based on procrastination and I am not proud about it. It’s when I want to clean my room thoroughly, do mounts of laundries and have everything organized. Exam times are also when a lot of exciting movies go around, and you steal few hours from your revisions aching to miss the fun if you don’t do so. It’s when you spend hours narrating your funny stories from school to friends and go all night ending with the silly sob stories. You start to think about so many things you haven’t thought about all this time. I even start making plans for the holidays, which gets exciting the more I talk about it and sometimes it is one thing I get my motivation from: To do my exams well so that I can have a good holiday without having to worry about the results. Exams can bring a lot of stress on people but it’s also when everything gets fun around. For me, it’s the only or one of...